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导师简介:1989年生,副教授,硕士生导师,博士毕业于中国科学技术大学。江苏省“双创计划-世界名校”双创博士。近年来主持包括国家自然科学基金、江苏省自然科学基金、南京工程学院创新基金重大项目、校人才引进基金等多项,参与完成国家自然科学基金面上项目、产学研合作项目多项。中国材料研究学会会员,南京先进复合材料产业化促进协会理事。近几年以第一作者及通讯作者在Chemical CommunicationsACS Applied Materials&InterfacesPolymer Chemistry,Dyes and Pigments,Sensors and Actuators B等国际权威SCI期刊上发表论文二十余篇。申请国家发明专利十余件,其中授权国家发明专利六件。指导江苏省级大学生科技创新项目3项(优秀结题1项),结题校大学生科技创新项目3项。指导学生获2022年度江苏省优秀毕业论文团队奖。近3年指导学生第一作者发表SCI论文2篇,学生第一发明人申请/授权专利2件。



联系方式:Email: saw11020@njit.edu.cn,Tel: 13645514950


1. Taisheng Wang, Yifan Wu, Yangguang Xia, Ye Yuan, Ziyi Dou, Chenqun Kan, Na Zhang*. Fluorescent and ratiometric humidity sensor based on cyano-substituted oligo(p-phenylene) /silica gel hybrid materials. Dyes and Pigments, 2024, 222, 111862. (中科院二区)

2. Yifan Wu, Yangguang Xia, Ye Yuan, Ziyi Dou, Chenqun Kan, Na Zhang, Taisheng Wang*. Rhodamine-based force-sensitive organic polysiloxane for hardness recognition of inorganic particles. Journal of Polymer Science, 2024, 62(17), 4109-4117.

3. Yifan Wu, Yangguang Xia, Ye Yuan, Ziyi Dou, Chenqun Kan, Taisheng Wang*, Na Zhang. Mechanochromism of π-conjugated borate derivatives and the effect of intermolecular non-covalent forces on molecular packing and mechanochromic property. Journal of Molecular Structure, 2024, 1318, 139243. (中科院二区)

4. Na Zhang, Xiang-Yu Ma, Shun Li, Yu-Xin Zhang, Chen Lv, Zheng-Peng Mao, Zi-Yi Dou, and Tai-Sheng Wang*. Mechanochromism of polyurethane based on folding–unfolding of cyano-substituted oligo(p-phenylene) vinylene dimer. Front. Mater. Sci. 2023, 17(2), 230640.

5. Na Zhang, Haoxiang Wang, Lei Shen and Taisheng Wang*. Mechanochromic behavior of a pyridine-containing pyrene derivative. Functional Materials Letters, 2022, 15, 2250001.

6. Taisheng Wang, Haoxiang Wang, Lei Shen and Na Zhang*. Multicolor mechanochromism of a multinetwork

elastomer that can distinguish between low and high stress. Polymer Chemistry, 2021, 12, 3832-3841. (中科院二区)

7. Taisheng Wang, Haoxiang Wang, Lei Shen and Na Zhang*. Force-induced strengthening of a mechanochromic polymer based on a naphthalene-fused cyclobutane mechanophore. Chemical Communications, 2021, 57, 12675-12678. (中科院二区)

8. Taisheng Wang, Lei Shen, Haoxiang Wang, Na Zhang*. A highly selective fluorescent sensor for ratiometric detection of cyanide in aqueous solution and solid states. Journal of Molecular Structure, 2021,1231, 129671. (中科院二区)

9. Taisheng Wang, Na Zhang, Wei Bai and Yinyin Bao*. Fluorescent chemosensors based on conjugated polymers with N-heterocyclic moieties: two decades of progress. Polymer Chemistry, 2020, 11, 3095-3114. (中科院二区)

10. Taisheng Wang, Na Zhang, Yuanmeng Ge, Changchun Wang, Zusheng Hang, and Zewu Zhang. Pyrene functionalized mechanochromic elastomer with switchable white fluorescence. Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics, 2020, 221, 1900463.

11. Na Zhang, Taisheng Wang*. Synthesis methods of organic two-dimensional materials. Journal of Polymer Science, 2020, 58, 3387-3401. 

12. Na Zhang, Taisheng Wang*, Xiaohai Bu, Qiong Wu, Zewu Zhang. Preparation of few-layer two dimensional polymers by self-assembly of bola-amphiphilic small molecules. Journal of Polymer Science Part A-Polymer Chemistry, 2019, 57, 1748-1755.

13. Taisheng Wang, Na Zhang, Ruke Bai* and Yinyin Bao*. Aggregation-enhanced FRET-active conjugated

polymer nanoparticles for picric acid sensing in aqueous solution. J. Mater. Chem. C, 2018, 6, 266-270. (中科院二区)

14. Taisheng Wang, Na Zhang, Jingwen Dai, Zili Li, Wei Bai*, and Ruke Bai*. Novel reversible mechanochromic elastomer with high sensitivity: bond scission and bending-induced multicolor switching. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2017, 9, 11874-11881. (中科院二区)

15. Taisheng Wang, Na Zhang, Ke Zhang, Jingwen Dai, Wei Bai* and Ruke Bai*. Pyrene boronic acid cyclic ester: a new fast self-recovering mechanoluminescent material at room temperature. Chem. Commun., 2016, 52, 9679-9682.  (中科院二区)

16. Taisheng Wang, Na Zhang, Qianbiao Li, Zili Li, Yinyin Bao*, Ruke Bai*. A branched 2,2-biimidazole-based polymer with multiple sensingpropertie. Sensors and Actuators B, 2016, 225, 81-89. (中科院一区)

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